What Are Things To Do After Landing In Canada


Landing In Canada can be an exciting and fulfilling experience. With its diverse culture, breathtaking landscapes, and friendly locals, it’s no wonder why millions of tourists flock to this country every year. 

However, to ensure that your journey is pleasant from start to finish, there are certain things you should be aware of and avoid. Thankfully, Canada is a beautiful country for its stunning landscapes, diverse culture, and friendly people. From bustling cities to pristine wilderness, Canada offers something for everyone. 

You can’t go to Canada and behave exactly the way you do in your home country. There are certain things you must avoid. In this article, we will discuss what to avoid immediately upon landing or while traveling to Canada.

Before we go into the main article,  let’s check out why individuals find traveling to Canada very interesting. 


Why Travel to Canada? 

There are reasons why Canada is among one of the best countries. Due the that effect, everyone enjoys traveling to Canada for the following reasons

  • A Multicultural Environment
  • Natural Wonders
  • Rich History and Cultural Heritage
  • Vibrant Cities
  • Wildlife Encounters

A Multicultural Environment 

Canada is often dubbed as a multicultural haven, and for good reason. It is home to people from all corners of the globe, making it a rich and diverse country. When you travel to Canada, you will have the opportunity to experience different cultures, languages, and traditions. Whether you are dining at a Lebanese restaurant in Montreal, watching a Chinese New Year parade in Vancouver, or celebrating Diwali in Toronto, Canada’s multiculturalism enhances its charm and provides a unique perspective on the world.

Natural Wonders

One of the biggest draws for travelers to Canada is its breathtaking natural beauty. From the Rocky Mountains in Alberta to the stunning coastline of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada is a paradise for nature enthusiasts. Banff National Park, located in Alberta, is a must-visit destination with its towering peaks, turquoise lakes, and abundant wildlife. For those seeking adventure, the Canadian Rockies offer opportunities for hiking, skiing, and even wildlife spotting. Not to be missed is Niagara Falls, a majestic natural wonder shared between Canada and the United States, offering a powerful and awe-inspiring experience.

Rich History and Cultural Heritage

Canada has a rich history that spans thousands of years, with Indigenous cultures dating back centuries. Exploring the history and cultural heritage of Canada is an enlightening and educational experience. Places like Quebec City, with its cobblestone streets and historic architecture, offer a glimpse into Canada’s colonial past. The Canadian Museum of History, located in Gatineau, Quebec, provides an in-depth look at the country’s history, including its Indigenous heritage. By immersing yourself in Canada’s history, you will gain a deeper understanding of its present-day identity.

Vibrant Cities

Canada is home to vibrant and cosmopolitan cities that are worth exploring. Toronto, the largest city in Canada, offers a diverse array of experiences, from world-class dining to stunning skyline views from the CN Tower. Vancouver, on the west coast, is known for its picturesque setting, surrounded by mountains and the ocean. Montreal, with its European charm, boasts a thriving arts and cultural scene. From shopping and nightlife to museums and theaters, Canada’s cities offer endless opportunities for entertainment and exploration.

Wildlife Encounters

Canada is a haven for wildlife, and animal lovers will be thrilled by the abundance of opportunities for wildlife encounters. Whether it’s whale watching on the Atlantic coast, spotting polar bears in Churchill, Manitoba, or observing grizzly bears in British Columbia, Canada’s diverse ecosystems provide a home for a wide variety of animals. National parks and protected areas across the country offer the chance to see animals in their natural habitat and learn about conservation efforts.

Things to Avoid Immediately you land or while Traveling to Canada

Are you already in Canada? Do you plan to travel to Canada? In any option you choose there are things to avoid immediately when you land or while traveling to Canada. 

However, as an international traveler heading to Canada, there are certain things you should avoid doing immediately after landing or during your journey to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience. 

They are:

1. Neglecting to apply for a visa or eTA.

2. Overpacking or carrying prohibited items.

3. Ignoring health and travel insurance.

4. Neglecting to exchange currency.

5. Not researching the weather or parking place.

6. Disregarding the importance of timelines.

7. Neglecting to Follow Canadian Customs and Laws

8. Underestimating the Size and Distance of Canada

9. Ignoring Wildlife Safety Guidelines

10. Overlooking Travel Advisories and Safety Precautions

Neglecting to Apply for a Visa or eTA

Before stepping foot in Canada, it is essential to determine if you require a visa or an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to enter the country. Not all travelers are exempt from these requirements, so make sure to check with the Canadian government’s official website or consult the nearest Canadian embassy or consulate. Failure to obtain the necessary travel documents may result in denial of entry or even deportation.

Overpacking or Carrying Prohibited Items

While packing for your trip, be mindful of the items that are prohibited or restricted in Canada. This includes firearms, ammunition, certain fruits and vegetables, live animals, and illegal drugs. It is advised to familiarize yourself with the Canadian Border Services Agency’s guidelines on prohibited items to avoid any complications or delays at customs.

Ignoring Health and Travel Insurance

It’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to your health. While Canada has a robust healthcare system, it may not cover the expenses of visitors. Therefore, it is crucial to obtain comprehensive health insurance that includes coverage for medical emergencies. Additionally, travel insurance that covers trip cancellations, delays, and lost luggage is highly recommended.

Neglecting to Exchange Currency

Although credit cards are widely accepted in Canada, it is advisable to have some Canadian currency on hand for smaller establishments or situations where cards may not be accepted. Avoid exchanging currency at the airport, as the rates are usually less favorable. Instead, consider visiting a local bank or using a reputable currency exchange service.

Not Researching the Weather or Packing Place

Canada experiences varying climates throughout the year, depending on the region. Before traveling, research the weather conditions of your destination and pack accordingly. Ignoring the weather or packing inappropriate attire can make your trip uncomfortable or even dangerous. Remember to include layers, appropriate footwear, and outerwear suitable for the weather conditions you’ll encounter.

Disregarding the Importance of Timeliness

Canadians value punctuality, so it’s essential to be mindful of your appointments, reservations, and scheduled activities. Arrive on time to avoid any inconvenience or frustration, especially when it comes to public transportation, tours, or events with strict start times. Keep in mind that being late can be seen as disrespectful in Canadian culture.

Refusal to Follow Canadian Customs and Laws

Respect for Canadian customs and laws is essential for a pleasant stay in the country. Familiarize yourself with common customs, such as greeting with a handshake and removing your shoes when entering someone’s home. It is also crucial to understand and abide by local laws, including traffic regulations, alcohol consumption age limits, and smoking restrictions.

Underestimating the Size and Distance of Canada

Canada is the second-largest country globally, which means that traveling between provinces can involve long distances and different time zones. Plan your itinerary accordingly, considering travel times, availability of transportation, and time zone changes. Underestimating the size and distance of Canada can lead to rushed itineraries, missed opportunities, and unnecessary stress.

Ignoring Wildlife Safety Guidelines

Canada is for its abundant wildlife, including bears, moose, and whales. While encountering these majestic creatures can be thrilling, it’s essential to prioritize your safety and theirs. Familiarize yourself with wildlife safety guidelines, such as maintaining a safe distance, not feeding or approaching animals, and properly disposing of food waste. Ignoring these guidelines can result in dangerous situations for both you and the wildlife.

Overlooking Travel Advisories and Safety Precautions

The last thing to avoid when you land or while traveling to Canada is to overlook travel advisories and safety precautions.  Check the official government websites for any travel advisories related to your destination and follow their recommendations. Register with your embassy or consulate and provide them with your travel details, so they can assist you in case of emergencies. Additionally, be aware of your surroundings, avoid risky neighborhoods, and take necessary precautions to safeguard your belongings.


By avoiding these common pitfalls written in this article and taking the necessary precautions, you can ensure a smooth and memorable trip to Canada. Remember to familiarize yourself with the required travel documents, pack appropriately, respect Canadian customs and laws, prioritize your safety, and stay informed about travel advisories. With these guidelines in mind, you can fully immerse yourself in the beauty of Canada and create lasting memories. Bon voyage!


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