Prodigy Private Student Loan for International Students


At Prodigy finance, international students can apply for non-consigned graduate student loans via the platform which has grown to be an internet lender. For overseas students without a credit history or without access to a suitable cosigner, it works best. 

Through this platform, you may achieve your graduate school goals and overcome many of the conventional funding obstacles faced by overseas students. Prodigy Finance has fortunately provided an option for graduate students from abroad. International students can apply for graduate student loans from Prodigy Finance that are not cosigned.

It evaluates your creditworthiness and renders a financing judgment based on factors including your credit history and prospective future income. Since the majority of international students do not have U.S. credit scores, the company considers credit history but does not take credit ratings into account when making decisions.

How To Apply For Prodigy Private Student Loan

Since Prodigy Finance student loan applications are a little more involved than those of some other lenders, it’s a good idea to compile all of your supporting documentation before you begin. 


To begin, you must submit the following details: 

1. Complete name

2. Your previous three years’ addresses

3. Documentation of current address, like a bill, a duplicate of your passport or other official document

4. Name of the institution you intend to enroll in Estimated year of completion

a letter attesting to your scholarship status

5. Your school’s acceptance letter (you don’t need it to receive a quotation; you just need it when you finalize the loan)

6. The approximate cost of your attendance and the sources of the additional finances you will need

7. Your income now, your savings, and any outstanding debts

8. The estimated cost of your loan, some current statements from banks, the last three pay stubs (if you work) and a duplicate or snippet of your credit report 2627 and click here

Once the application is finished and you have a loan offer, you can decide which quote, if any, to accept. Prodigy Finance will then place you on a funding waitlist, which is reviewed on a weekly basis (as previously said), thus this is not an official acceptance. After which, the platform will let you know as soon as they match you and whether the money is still needed.

Is Prodigy Available Worldwide?

No. Prodigy Finance is available in only 50 cities apart from Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Maine, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, and Wyoming. 

The loans made by Prodigy Finance are private loans, so we advise you to exhaust all government financing sources, including grants and scholarships, before taking out a private student loan. 

Also, depending on your course and institution, Prodigy Finance may pay up to 100% of your attendance costs. The money will be paid to your school directly, and the remaining balance will be sent into your bank account.

Does Prodigy Private Loan Need a Cosigner?

Definitely not. One distinctive feature of Prodigy Finance is that it doesn’t need collateral or a cosigner. That being said, in comparison to other lenders, its rates are a little excessive. 

Also, because there are no fixed interest rates, your rate may increase over time. When making loan choices, Prodigy Finance does not consider co-signers.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Prodigy Private Student Loan?

Using Prodigy Finance to submit an application takes a few minutes alongside the provision of an eligibility determination after you complete your loan application. You will be informed of your loan’s terms and APR if you are eligible.

Regarding the loan time-frame, you might need to wait a while to get your loan. This is because the loan needs to be approved by your school, which could take four to six weeks. 

When this happens, Prodigy Finance will notify you if you are not eligible for a student loan and provide reasons for this. You might think about applying with a different lender, depending on the cause. 

The Student Loan Types at Prodigy Finance

Prodigy Finance exclusively provides graduate student private loans, and only to those enrolled in international programs. 

While other lenders provide several loan programs for students enrolled in different courses, including medical or business school, Prodigy Finance unites funding for all post-graduate degrees into a single package.

Is There A Criteria For Loan Eligibility and Approval?

Of course! To qualify for a loan from Prodigy Finance, you must fulfill the following conditions:

1. Have attained the age of eighteen

2. Be a citizen of an eligible nation and enrolled in school in another eligible nation.

3. Obtain admission to a college and graduate program that meets the requirements (you can obtain a loan quotation prior to receiving official acceptance; it will only be required for loan approval).

Also, you can pre-qualify with Prodigy Finance by completing an application and receiving a two-week provisional loan offer. You won’t complete it until you’re prepared and willing to accept the loan; this is only an estimate.

You can apply more than once for each program to obtain quotations if you’re not sure which school or program you’ll be attending just yet. You can then finish the final application after receiving confirmation of your acceptance.

How Is The Prodigy Repayment Plan?

Aside from interest charges, the only additional costs associated with a private student loan from Prodigy Finance are an administration charge of up to 5% of the loan balance. This will be added to your loan balance by Prodigy Finance. For example, you will begin with a loan balance of up to $10,500 for every $10,000 you borrow for school.3.

Prodigy Finance only levies a $96 default fee if you miss two payments in a row. That is the sole additional cost.19 Other loan fees, such as late fines for previously missed payments, returned payment fees, early payment penalties, forbearance and deferment fees, etc., are not assessed by Prodigy Finance.

Then there’s discounts on Loans which, regrettably, Prodigy Finance does not provide any discounts, even if you want to set up autopay, which is quite different from majority of other student loan lenders.


Depending on your course and institution, Prodigy Finance may pay up to 100% of your attendance costs. The money will be paid to your school directly. Your tuition will be credited by your school, and the remaining balance will be sent into your bank account.

Prodigy Finance doesn’t provide any incentives of any kind, including good grades or fees for referring friends. Options for Loan Forbearance and Discharge. If an unforeseen circumstance, like a job loss or an injury, prevents you from making loan payments temporarily, you can request a forbearance from Prodigy Finance. 

Your payments may be suspended by the platform for a maximum of three periods of three months each, for a total of nine months, making the option one which is free of charge. 

The only drawbacks to forbearance are that interest continues to accrue during this period, increasing the amount owed on your loan, and that the term is extended by the number of months you choose to remain in forbearance.
